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Writer’s Log, Day-7

Struggles of a #fulltimeauthor

My Day-7 smoothie is a little bitter.

It’s because my banana was too green to eat. When you need to peel the skin off with a knife, it’s perhaps a little too green even for me. Day-7 involves squeaky teeth.

I sat opposite my parents during our regular Friday FaceTime and they wanted to know if I’d written.

Hmmmnn…how to answer such a leading question without incriminating myself…

I have.

And I haven’t.

What have I done exactly…?

I’ve edited 32k words in the last week and rebuilt my website more times than I cared to count.

I’ve sat through 2 hours of training videos on how to run BookBub advertisements and created a graphic.

It’s been my sincere intention to write some more chapters for my fantasy book but…

There’s a storm raging outside. It’s important that I watch the gale force winds ripping plant pots off the deck and hurling them at the windows. Me watching could change everything. Couldn’t it?

And my daughter’s kind of here. Well, she hasn’t actually lived here since just after Christmas but her shoes are still here. She might come back for something.

Husband is still on leave. I know he’s currently slumped on the sofa watching the EPL repeats but if I don’t keep an eye on him, he won’t do those jobs I asked him to do.


And I’ve eaten too much crap. 3lb of crap to be exact. Duck Island ice cream for breakfast might look like an extravagance on Christmas Day, but my hips knew I’d pay for it later when the naughtiness continued.

Hence the squeaky smoothie as my Day-7 punishment.

Part of my guilt is probably that the northern hemisphere is back at it. Americans and Brits have been back at work for days and Christmas and New Year feel like they never happened. Me? I’m on summer holidays and…did I mention there’s a storm raging outside? I’d like the heating on but isn’t that admitting defeat? I ditched that idea and put a cardigan on, which is what unemployed people do.

But I should get back to writing.

And then I dig out my list of jobs for this week and I look at it.

I’m actually doing okay.

The website rebuild was on my list. Okay, so just one rebuild and not quite as many as I caused myself but there it is on the list.

The BookBub ads were on the list. It’s not as easy as just knocking one up on the fly. I need to learn how. Custom graphics need creating. Targeting, pricing, which book should I advertise? Oops, there goes another afternoon.

It’s hard this working from home thing. There are so many distractions. I’m OCD. My house is spotless, yet I swear that just before I sit down to work something terrible happens. It’s like a fluff monitor dumps a whole vacuum bag of the stuff at various points along the hallway just to upset me. It’s nothing new. Chasing the fluff monitor has been a significant feature of my adult life if I’m honest. I almost caught him at nine months pregnant with my fourth baby, but crawling around on your knees can go horribly wrong. The ensuing labour distracted me.

I got a piercing.

And did I mention there’s a storm going on outside…?

Day-7 is not a good day. Day-8 will be better. It will.

K T Bowes is a writer with heaps of hope and an ice cream carton filled with determination. She wishes it contained Duck Island ice cream but she already ate it. She manages to write amidst all the excitement and you can check out her catalog of marvelous creations HERE.

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