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Writer’s Log, Day-4

The importance of head space


All day. It’s been the best so far. Yep, Day-4 was a doozy good one.

I’m a morning person, so while I no longer have to get up at 4.40am to ride the treadmill, I did push my day back a little from 6am to 5.30am. That still gave me a good hour of exercise and then I got dressed and ready to work.

But wait.

In a new bid to sniff the roses, I had breakfast with Husband on the deck overlooking the paddock. Sorry northern hemisphere dwellers, but it was sunny because we’re going into summer. Don’t feel jealous. You had yours earlier.

We’ve lived here for over six years and I’ve never done this.

Day-4 poached eggs on toast


The stress of the last few days has had some weird effects and the inside of my cheek keeps bleeding on both sides. I enjoyed a decent breakfast of poached eggs on gluten-free toast and ate slowly. It hurt, but I was distracted by the cheeping birds and munching Husband, so that helped. I’m overdue my B12 injection. Not driving back and forth to work has got me out of the habit of doing routine things. I’ll need to watch that. I don’t want to Google health issues because I’m one of those people who will end up with everything from Asthma to a Zoonosis.

Besides, it will take too long and I have stuff to do.


I worked to a loose timetable and turned off my phone. Using the Scrivener full screen meant I wrote 1500 words in less than an hour. I love how I can change the background to match the scenes I’m writing. I’m currently writing the second book in a fantasy series which is set in a land with the unusual onset of a prolonged winter. Hence the icy woman on the cover.

I edited 2,500 words of a Hana novel. Don’t get too excited as it’s an older one, but I’m cleaning up some passive voice and giving those originals new covers and metadata. I’m glad to report that I still love them and some sparks for a new Hana book are quietly igniting…


There were other things on my list, such as blogging and some accounting. Day-4 possessed a plan.

But the latter is a very dirty word and was probably the reason I spent the afternoon editing the first of the novels in the fantasy series instead. I’m sending individual chapters to beta readers as I complete them and it’s being received well. I wanted the whole trilogy written before I released them, but I may float them early just with Amazon and see what happens. I have the above cover ready for the first book, but not the second. My business plan has the first book earmarked to launch in the middle of next year and for once, I’m ahead of schedule.

I think it’s down to where my head was at when I started the day. It might be that simple.

Is it possible to decide on my head space before I start work, or does that just happen by itself? That’s something I need to find out. I want to find a productive head space. I suspect it’s beneath the hypochondriac one somewhere.


I felt glad to be alive after the funeral yesterday and determined to make the best of my day. When I looked up at the clock, I noticed the afternoon had slipped away and 5pm loomed. I slapped a salad together for Husband’s tea to save him breaking out the Cornflakes again and ran around the house with the polish. I didn’t just run around waving it. There was some cleaning involved.

Boring as it sounds, we went for a walk in the sunshine. I wanted to sniff the roses even more on Day-4. Husband hadn’t seen the new Perry bridge across the Waikato River at Horotiu, so we walked around 4 kilometres from where we parked the car. As we walked, we greeted a couple of cyclists going in the opposite direction and it occurred to me I hadn’t spoken to anyone all day who wasn’t family.




Day-4 was a good day. Actually, Day-4 was a very good day.

I’m toying with the idea of more structure, but don’t want to kill the Muse. It would be a shame for her to die so soon.

I’ll write some more tomorrow. In between proper writing. Thank you for following my journey. I’m having a blast and promise not to become insular and weird.

Oops, too late…

K T Bowes is the author of heaps of novels, some of them free to download.
She’s writing full-time and doing it tough to see how far she can get on this journey.
You can check out her books and download the free ones HERE

#amwriting #KTBowes #writetips

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