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Writer’s Log, Day-11

Keeping it real

In case you didn’t see it the first time around…

On Day-11 I nearly died.

It was just an ordinary evening for us. Husband and I decided to journey into Hamilton to our favourite Pak n Save store on the south side of the city to get our groceries. It’s a bit of a trek, but worth it for the cost saving…usually.

We didn’t get there. After the incident happened, we went to the pub instead.
Not for alcohol, as it’s probably what the other dude was on, but a herbal tea for me and a coke with no ice for Husband.

I had to edit out my scream.

It put things into quite a bit of perspective. Several thoughts occupied my mind in the aftermath.

There was the obvious. I hadn’t got the chance to tell my family I loved them. AND I’d not quite finished my weekly clean. Whoever opened our front door first might think I was a bit rubbish at keeping house. Husband arrived home and we just left to get the shopping. The vacuum was still sitting in the middle of the dining room carpet.

I hadn’t finished Pirongia’s Secret.

Yeah, why would that be a pressing worry? Maybe because nobody else can finish my work. No one else would know who killed Malcolm or be able to thread the story into the next book. There’s only one K T Bowes. Nobody else can ‘do’ being me quite like I can. It’s a sobering thought, but also quite cool.

As a positive to take from the incident (we never did make it to the supermarket so lived on beans all week) I did finish Pirongia’s Secret and gave it a soft launch while beta readers were still adding their comments.

I think we can either let incidents like this ruin our focus, or enhance it.

Click on the book cover to take a look at my latest release…even if it was a quiet one.

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  1. Alan Cameron says:

    Hi Kate, unfortunately our roads are full of idiots like you experienced, made my blood boil to see what nearly happened to 2 innocent people just wanting to go shopping. I feel the police in NZ have not got the message right with their “we are going to save lives by stopping speeding drivers”. Speeding never killed anyone, it is the stopping that does and they need to concentrate on dealing to the idiots in cars who call themselves “drivers”. Only good thing to think about on your experience-it wasn’t your time!!! and wow there are 1000’s of us who are pleased about that. Kep safe.

    1. K T Bowes says:

      Thank you, that’s so gorgeous of you to say so. I drank my herbal tea at the pub after with a very shaking hand. We’ve stopped eating beans now though…finally.

      1. tehachap says:

        Ah me… your near miss scared the bejeezers out of me. But more importantly, it made me think about what I’m spending my life on. Wake up calls about life … I’ve recognized them before and altered my direction. Thanks to you, once again, I’m evaluating what I’m doing with MY life! God bless and take care!

        1. K T Bowes says:

          It’s a sobering moment and a good time to take stock. In the words of Pastor Allen in ‘One Heartbeat’ “We cannot even guarantee our next heartbeat. What amazing thing will you do before it does, or doesn’t, come?” Kia kaha. x

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