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Finding Chemistry, Tamara Ruth

I like this writer. I first came across Tamara in a writers’ group I’m part of. It’s an accountability group, which any author worth their salt needs to stay on track. She released this novel a few days ago and it’s aimed at the college age group. Yeah, I have to admit I read that genre too…

Here’s the blurb:

Christmas in New York. Boys to spare. What’s a girl to do?

Harper expected a boring winter break until her mother announced they were off to New York. Updating her social media status results in an even better surprise: her secret crush asking to see her.

Christmas at the far end of Long Island turns out to have quite a few perks; one of them is Brian. Can Harper handle two guys? Does she want to? Having doubted her ability to pick the right guy before, Harper’s got to follow her heart and hope she doesn’t mess up.

Finding Chemistry is the third book in the Smith & Guy University series and is a standalone story. The SGU series is a set of collegiate love stories about overcoming the odds.

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