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Meet Sophia and Dane, Callister and Declan. Same school, four different stories. Four happy ever afters in one place.

They might live in Paradise, but bad stuff still finds them. Romance isn’t easy. Not when they’re sixteen.

Finally, these four popular teen novels are together in a collection.

Based in a New Zealand high school, the stories follow the plight of its students as they pick their way through love and circumstance.

The stories in this set:

Free From the Tracks

Sophia looks from the outside like a girl who has it all. But her world is crumbling around her and only one person notices. The boy who sees her misery is the one who’ll put her in the most danger. He’s been warned off before, but this time, he’ll ignore it.

Sophia’s Dilemma

If they thought life would go smoothly once they became a couple, they were mistaken. As Dane becomes a suspect in a murder enquiry, an overheard conversation detonates his relationship with Sophia.

A Trail of Lies

Callister’s home life is complicated and confusing. She’s always felt like an outsider in her own home. As her mother’s mental stability collapses, she tells her something which will turn her into a teenage runaway. Trouble is, she’s taking the boy-next-door onto the mountain with her.

Gone Phishing

The teenagers’ journeys merge when Declan and Callister try to help Sophia rescue her father from a romantic internet scam. Edgar plans to sink his life savings into a relationship with a woman he’s never physically met. The teens need to prove the whole thing is a scam, before Dane and Sophia are separated forever.

Download this collection now and put some time aside for yourself. Travel to New Zealand for a while and escape your own troubles.